Welcome to the Peninsula Villages Community Land Trust (PVCLT)

A not-for-profit organisation established with the aim of building affordable housing for local people.

The PVCLT was formed to support the Community to develop affordable housing and other community assets to help sustain those living in the parishes of Alderton, Bawdsey, Boyton, Hollesley, Shottisham and Sutton.

As a nation we are in the throes of a housing crisis. Millions are facing exorbitant and ever-increasing rents, with families stuck in temporary accommodation and many new build schemes pricing out first-time buyers.

While there is no single, catch-all solution, community-led housing projects like ours put community ahead of profits, building homes at permanently affordable levels for long-term community benefit.

The majority of our houses will be rented, with rents set at the Local Housing Allowance. Any houses offered for purchase are likely to be priced at 75% of market value.

We allow for the community to take a long-term formal role in the ownership, stewardship and management of the homes.

We support this by ensuring the benefits to the local area are clearly defined and legally protected in perpetuity.

In addition, any income from community-led housing projects is reinvested directly back into the community.

Martello Close – houses are now complete, allocated and occupied!

Help us with housing on the Deben Peninsula

There are a number of ways you can get involved.

We need land

One of the issues we are currently faced with is that of land availability and the route to acquiring it for housing development.

While we are exploring sites, working with the local authority to carry out a Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment and seeking to identify and acquire land for community benefit, we would also be keen to talk to local landowners interested in being involved in meeting local needs.

Let’s get the conversation started

We need trustees

We are always seeking  new trustees to join our active board to shape our work, give us guidance and valuable insights.

We are particularly keen to hear from a diverse range of people who live or work in the area and have some time to volunteer.

Being a trustee involves attending meetings, helping to make decisions and voting on motions, as well as helping out wherever you feel able.

Do you have experience in any one of these areas?

  • good local knowledge and connections
  • legal expertise
  • planning and development expertise
  • property management and maintenance skills
  • marketing, social media management and PR background
  • enthusiasm to make a difference in the area

If so, we would love to hear from you

We need members

People power helps us engage with the wider community.

By becoming a member of Peninsula Villages Community Land Trust (PVCLT) you can have your say in the future of affordable housing in our villages.

Membership is open to anyone over the age of 18 who lives or works within the six parishes.

Applications can be made via our contact page

Who are you?

Are you interested in an affordable home? Are you part of a community group looking to explore housing options?

Perhaps you are a landowner looking to sell a parcel of land to help your local community?

Or a like-minded housing organisation with ideas to share?

You might be a private developer looking to provide community housing?

Or maybe you just want to find out a bit more and wish to sign up as a member?

Wherever you are coming from, we want you to be part of our plans. 

Let us tell you how

How can we help?

PVCLT offers you a range of expertise to help you with all aspects of community land trust housing.

Thanks to a strong Board of Trustees boasting a large skill set in the worlds of property, development, finance, design and business, we are well-equipped to find solutions to the housing crisis on the Deben Peninsula.

What’s more, we work to a specific set of objectives and a mission statement that is our vision, purpose and promise to you.

We have our sights set on creating community-led housing with you at the heart. 

Let us tell you more