I am a landowner
We are always keen to talk to local landowners interested in being involved in meeting local needs.
Here are some reasons why you may choose to become involved:
To benefit your business
You may want to release some capital by selling land to re-invest in other parts of your business.
To benefit your community
You may be aware from your own knowledge of your community that young people and families are moving away because they cannot find a home they can afford. There may be long established residents who cannot find a home more suitable to their changing needs. It may be that the community has already contacted you to see if you would be willing to sell some land for an affordable housing scheme.
To benefit your business and your community
Providing homes can help to increase the resilience of rural communities, through the circle of a locally housed workforce which supports the local economy.
If you think we can help each other, we would love to hear from you to see how we can progress a working relationship